Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dissertation Acknowledgments

This journey began at the University of Western Ontario where Nancy Rhoden agreed to supervise the research of an overeager undergraduate student who spoke too quickly and too much. I worked with Nancy for the next three years as she patiently taught me the foundations of historical research and writing. But of all her lessons, I am most grateful for her example that scholarly rigor is not diluted, but rather strengthened, when it is coupled with kindness. While at Western, I also benefited from Rob MacDougall's mentorship. He encouraged me to think deeply about what it means to be a historian and never tired of helping me wrestle with the tough questions of work and life. 

I first met Alan Taylor at the University of Windsor where I attended his talk in the fall of 2012. On my drive back to London, I got my first speeding ticket. While Alan should unquestionably reimburse me the $52 fine, my debt to him can never be fully repaid. He introduced me to liberty poles, taught me to sharpen my writing by saying more with less, and encouraged patience when fielding during Townball. His belief in me never (outwardly) wavered and I carried his confidence as a talisman during many nerve-wracking presentations and interviews. I am also immeasurably grateful to Elizabeth Varon whose unflagging support, perceptive suggestions, and good humor have greatly improved this project and my graduate school experience. Her blend of professionalism and compassion will provide the model of mentorship for the rest of my career. Gary Gallagher's wit, kindness, and enthusiasm have also enhanced my time at UVA. I am especially grateful that he has let me sully his pool table with my ineptitude. I also thank Brian Balogh, Joanne Freeman, and Sidney Milkis for the time, expertise, and encouragement they provided as members of my dissertation committee. I am honored by their involvement in this project. 

In UVA's History graduate program, I found some of the smartest, kindest, and funniest people I have ever known. Their friendships have enriched this project and broadened my thinking in immeasurable ways. My small victories were sweetened and my many setbacks softened because of the people with whom I could share them. Many thanks to Kathleen Berggren, Clayton "Old Fuss" Butler, Benji Cohen, Jon Cohen, Mary Draper, Erik Erlandson, Jack Furniss, Alexi Garrett, Jesse George-Nichol, Melissa Gismondi, Connor Kenaston, Alice King, Cecilia Márquez, Brian Neumann, and Chris Whitehead. In our writing group, Jack and Melissa provided generous and thoughtful readings of my work, which challenged my thinking in all of the right ways. Our weekly meetings were among the highlights of my time as ABD and the perfect model of what a scholarly community should be.

I am very grateful to Kathleen Miller for her unfailing patience, kindness, and assistance. She always had what I needed, be it information, encouragement, or commiseration. I cannot count all of the ways Kathleen eased my path to the PhD. 

Beyond UVA's History Department, a whole host of people have welcomed me into the academic community and cheered on my work and career. I hope to honor their generosity by paying it forward as best I can. Thank you to Miranda Beltzer, Charlene Boyer Lewis, Lindsay Chervinsky, Seth Cotlar, Liz Covart, James Lewis, Michael McDonnell, Paul Douglas Newman, Jason Opal, Andrew W. Robertson, Andrew M. Schocket, and Joe Stoltz. In the final year of my PhD, I formed a long-distance writing group with Kristen Beales, Jackie Beatty, and Lauren Duval. Their encouragement and ideas got me through the final stretch and it was a privilege to read their wonderful work. 

Thanks also to Rachael Bell for her longstanding friendship and support (including a trip to the Dedham Historical Society!). Rachael's unyielding commitment to live and teach for a better world inspires me every day. And to Cecily Zander whose generosity, intelligence, wit, and blazers were an essential part of my final year at UVA. I also wish to thank the ladies of the Charlottesville Women's Soccer League for welcoming me with open arms and teaching me that camaraderie and competition are two sides of the same coin. 

I am grateful for financial support from the following institutions: the American Philosophical Society, the Bankard Fund for Political Economy, the David Library of the American Revolution, the Dilworth Fund at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Jack Miller Center, the New England Regional Fellowship Consortium, the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and UVA's Corcoran Department of History, Office of the Vice President for Research, the Power, Violence, and Inequality Collective, and the Society of Fellows. Thanks also to the staff at the American Philosophical Society, the Connecticut Historical Society, the David Library of the American Revolution, the Dedham Historical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the National Archives, the New England Genealogical Society, the New York Historical Society, and the Small Special Collections Library at the University of Virginia. Their warmth and expertise made my time in the archives both enjoyable and fruitful.

I am also very thankful for the excellent feedback I received at several conferences and workshops over the last few years. Thanks especially to the American Political Thought Seminar at the Newberry Library, the Early America Seminar at the International Center for Jefferson Studies, the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford, and the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic. Thanks also to the Nau Center for Civil War History for accepting an early republic interloper so graciously.

The biggest thanks, as ever, goes to my wonderful family. I am proud to be now called a Doctor, but proudest always to be their aunt, sister, daughter, and granddaughter. I am beyond fortunate to count my siblings, Dani, Lisa, and Asher, and my siblings-in-law, Shael and Jen, as my best friends. We express our love through laughter and their senses of humor are my panacea for all of life's bumps and bruises. I am privileged to have a pair of incredible women anchoring my family at each end. The strength of my grandmothers, Pat and Rose, and the wonder of my nieces, Hallie and Avery, keeps everything in perspective.

This is a story of ordinary people who did their best in uncertain times. I tell it in the memory of my departed relatives who did the same.

This work is dedicated with immense love and gratitude to Lynne Lurie, who is a lifelong student, and David Lurie, who devotes himself fully to all he does. They have given me everything I cherish most: a close-knit family, a happy childhood, and a love of stories. Mom and Dad, your combinations of hard work with humor and curiosity with compassion are forever my inspiration. 

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